Monday, November 28, 2011

Mystery Item- Help Identify

Hello friends! I need your assistance. Since I checked into this room over a week ago, there's been a white strappy looking thing plastic wrapped in the bathroom. Tonight I unwrapped it. I have no bloody idea what it is. It's over 3 feet long. Made of a terry cloth material except for the center which is a firm (like really dense cardboard) loofah-covered thing. It has a string loop on each end.

What is it? Why was it in the bathroom?

Please comment if you know/have any ideas what this is used for! I've stayed in my share of hotels and have never seen anything like it. I ask the front desk enough dumb questions, I can't ask if this is worth smuggling home.

It's probably totally obvious in which case, ignore this entire inquiry and use this blog posting as an excuse to check out my very very sexy watch tan.

Bye friends!!

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