Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 3 in Bali

The final day we spent the morning at the pool before our required 1:30pm check-out. Made was busy so his cousin, Michael, drove us around before dropping us off at the airport. We went to a very fancy hotel, Ulu Watu followed by 2 beaches (one that was in Eat Pray Love), went to a great local handicraft store to get some souvenirs and then flew out! I'm sorry I don't remember the beaches names right now- I'll have to ask Melissa when I get my voice back (more to post about this later).

Fancy remote hotel

Fancy hotel

Fancy shmancy

Ulu Watu

Ulu Watu- I had to get a loner sarong because my knees showed. There  was also a crazy monkey problem there. Melissa heeded Michael's advice at first and did not wear her sunglasses because they monkeys could steal them. I risked it and thought I'd just pop the critter if it got within sunglass stealing distance. We did see a monkey steal a flip flop and tease the tourist while up in the tree waving it.

It was a gazillion degrees. 

Nice views from the top

Quite a fun little trek through caves down to this platform. Many surfers were out.

Eat Pray Love beach

Ulu Watu

Michael- about a half dozen people or so asked to take photos of us. This is one returning the favor. Not many 6 foot tall white girls in this part of Bali. (and tssk tssk my sexy knee poking thru the fabric- such a trouble maker)

Went down that sketchy staircase that had no handrails

Beach side town 

This gingham fabric was everywhere- the white and black colors being good and bad.

During our tour around Ulu Watu, Melissa had gotten ahead so Michael and I were talking. He told me I didn't look American, I look Australian. I asked if that was a good thing. He said "Ohhhh yaaaah." Later on that night we flew back on Royal Dutch Airlines. Melissa and I sat in adjacent aisle seats. When the stewardess got to Melissa, she asked her drink order in English. She asked me in Dutch. Apparently I don't look American...maybe I should become an American spy? Maybe I already am? Shhhh!

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