Thursday, December 15, 2011


The holidays are coming! Singapore goes NUTS! For a country that has Hindu, Muslim and Christian folks, it totally decks out. My office has a myriad of trees and Orchard Road is all lit up!!!  Even with endless holiday cheer surrounding me, it's hard to feel like Christmas is a bit away when it's so bloody hot!!

Right next to my hotel

Orchard Road

Saturday night I went out with my friend Paddy. We strolled from my hotel about a mile down Orchard admiring all the gorgeous holiday lights. At one point, we came to a HUGE crowd staring up at something. We looked for quite awhile trying to figure out what was fascinating such a mass of folks but could not for the life of us figure out what it was. I was intrigued, Paddy did not seem to care. Having lived in Singapore for awhile now, he just kept saying "Asians take pictures of the weirdest things. I promise you, they're looking at the tree or crane." Eventually I surrendered to his crazy Asian theory and took a picture of them and walked on.

Still not totally convinced that ALL these people were whack jobs, I glanced up again about 15 yards down. TA-DA! Mystery solved, partial lunar eclipse! Paddy had never seen one before, so it was an exciting moment. Soon we joined in with all the crazy folks taking pictures too! Amazing that even a street that outshines the Vegas strip- the moon still shone through!

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