Thursday, December 15, 2011

Creep Alert

Now that I'm safe, this is a funny story; but on Sunday when it occurred, it was a scary time!!

My friend, Jon, is having some custom suits made for him while here. Apparently it's the thing to do. You can get thousands of dollars worth of suits tailored for much much cheaper than in the US- he's getting equivalent of two $6kish suits for less than $2k! So I tagged along to offer my expert advice in suits- since apparently I have those skills. It was fun; I had no idea that there were so many choices- fabric, number of flaps, pleat, pocket shape, button, collar designs, cuff links, embroidery, etc, etc. Let's just say, I'm glad I'm not a guy having to make these decisions. Jon's gonna end up looking sharp! I picked the blue for his collared shirt :)

So after our adventure in Chinatown, he drove us over to Little India to check out a 7 story tech store! It puts Best Buy and Fry's to shame! Endless places, any gadget you can imagine and you can barter! A tech nerd's dream! From there we headed over to Mustafa Center, the place every local says is good to shop. I got stared at SO MUCH just walking to and from the car. Sometimes Jon shot the guys looks like leave her alone, it was funny to see them freak. He even was becoming uncomfortable at how much I got gawked at! That part of town needs more girls!

Well after our unsuccessful Mustafa trip, we grabbed some ice cream back at the mall where his car was parked. Jon asked if I was gonna be ok exiting the mall on my way to the MRT. I told him no worries, people taking photos and staring at me happens often here (I did appreciate his concerned offer though). Never before had I felt unsafe until....

On the way to the MRT I walked past a Long John Silvers. Thanks to Caton from back home reminding me about the following scene in Hangover II during my Thailand trip, I thought it'd be funny to go there. Plus I'm getting pretty sick of "local food" (if ever offered, skip on the bee hoon- not a a good hoon).

At the start of my meal, a guy walked by and asked if he could sit a few seats over. I was at a long row of tables lined up next to each other so I said it wasn't a problem. Probably a little closer than I would sit next to someone, but people in general here get a little closer than I would.

I nibbled on my food, occupying myself with my phone playing the classic snake game- trying to not be rude to this man but not at all interested in engaging in a conversation. Meanwhile, this stranger starts going on and on about how awesome Australia is. After about 4 minutes I look up at him and say I'm not Australian. He asks me what my name is and instantly I spit out "Erica" go to lying name I guess. He was Daniel. I get up and leave most of my meal as he starts talking about Australia again and he goes "Erica wait, can I have your number?" I said I didn't give my number out. He looked sad, asked where I was going and I said to my "boyfriend's house" and took off walking as fast as I could through the mall. Well this 5'5" Asian guy jumps up and starts following me. I zig zag through stores, up and down floors as I get closer to the MRT station thinking I'm either going to come across mall security or ditch him at the train platform. Oh no, Daniel is quite determined to get Erica's number. I'm walking uber briskly and this midget is jogging to keep pace. I kid you not, he was running after me. After gawking at me all day guys, its time to stand up and stop him! But no- they just kept staring. Finally, I get to the platform, whip my pass out and go through. Daniel is still running by me asking where I was taking the train to. I remind him of my "boyfriend". No luck- he keeps asking for my number. Well the train platform is packed! Good crowd to lose him in if I wasn't the 2nd tallest person there. I duck my head down, attempt to blend in and practically run through the crowd. All of a sudden a train pulls up, I jump on and look back- NO DANIEL! Still super rattled I could finally could breathe! Never before had I been followed/chased in my life and I am hoping that it will never ever happen again.

Moral of the story- never go to any place ever mentioned in a Hangover movie- it does not lead to good things.

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